Republican Senator says Trump is 'dug in' on tariffs, 'like a tick'

Republican Senator says Trump is 'dug in' on tariffs, 'like a tick'

John Kennedy, junior United States senator from Louisiana since 2017:

  • serves on the Appropriations, Banking, Budget, and Judiciary Committees in the U.S. Senate
  • serves as the top Republican of the Appropriations Subcommittee on Energy and Water Development and Banking Subcommittee on Economic Policy


  • Stock market was a little overvalued at around 21 times earnings
  • vs. ten year average 18 or
  • market is expressing its uncertainty
    about tariffs
  • (Trump is) a
    president who believes … passionately in
  • He’s dug in. I mean he’s dug in like a like a tick.
  • Will it
    cause inflation, will it be a positive? Will it be a negative? The
    truth is we just don’t know. And markets don’t like uncertainty.

Who knows what to believe from slimy politicians. But, on the ” markets don’t like uncertainty” – he got that right and US equities are copping it.

This article was written by Eamonn Sheridan at

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