Slovenian Average Earnings Rise In December

Slovenian Average Earnings Rise In December

Average monthly earnings in Slovenia grew in December and in the full year 2024, preliminary data from the statistical office showed on Monday.

Average gross earnings rose a nominal 11.3 percent month-on-month and 3.9 percent from a year ago in December. In real terms, the increase was 11.6 percent from November.

Gross earnings amounted to EUR 2,803.97 in December.

Net earnings totaled EUR 1,825.75, up nominal 13.3 percent from November. In real terms, the increase was 13.6 percent.

The increase in average earnings was mainly due to higher extra payments including Christmas bonuses and the share of these payments in the total gross earnings was 12.8 percent as regards earnings for December and 5.7 percent as regards earnings for November, the statistical office said.

In the full year 2024, average monthly gross earnings grew a nominal 6.2 percent and 3.8 percent in real terms. Net earnings rose nominal 3.8 percent and real 1.8 percent.

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